Here we present information from the 6th British Congress on Medicine and Spirituality - 2017.
"The Dawn of a new Era in Medicine"
11th and 12th November 2017 - London UK
Venue: Rudolf Steiner House and Theatre, NW1 6XT
Find below the speakers and themes presented at our
6th British Congress on Medicine and Spirituality:

Prof. Jorge Cecilio Daher
“Historical and Cultural Aspects of the Pineal Gland - Correlations with Spiritism of 1940’s”

Dr. Sarah Eagger

Dr. Peter Fenwick
“The Experiencing of Light”

Dr. Decio Iandoli
"A New Medicine for a New Millennium"

Dr. Eunice Minford
“Alcohol Addiction: A spiritual problem with a soulful answer”

Dr. Alexander Moreira
“Differentiating Spiritual Experiences from Mental Disorders”

Dr. Andrew Powell
“When the Mind serves the Soul: a New Era in Medicine”

Prof. Chris Roe
"Making sense of anomalous voices and visions within a spiritual model: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of experiences in mediumship"

Dr. Marcelo Saad
“Cheating Death - Relations between Religiousness and Longevity”

Dr. Jim Tucker
“Birthmarks and children’s memories of past lives”