Founded on November 28th, 1992 in Madrid (Spain), the International Spiritist Council is an world-wide organization resulting from the union of associations representing Spiritist movement in each country. In order to support and stimulate Spiritist movement in different countries, the ISC created regional departments having as objective to work together with the representatives from each country.
Main Objectives:
- To promote solidarity and the fraternal union of Spiritist Institutions in all countries, as well as the unification of The World Spiritist Movement;
- To promote throughout the world the study and the dissemination of the Spiritist Doctrine in its three basic aspects: scientific, philosophical and religious;
- To promote the practice of spiritual, moral and material charity, according to the Spiritist Doctrine.
Doctrinal Basis:
The objectives of the International Spiritist Council are founded upon the Spiritist Doctrine as codified by Allan Kardec and other works which, according to its directives, may be considered complementary and subsidiary.
At the moment there are 35 Countries members of ISC.
British Union of Spiritist Societies – BUSS, an integrated member of the International Spiritist Council
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For more information, please visit the International Spiritist Council ( ) website.